The botched CV
Your CV is the first window through which the recruiter sees you. Spelling mistakes, typos, discrepancies of one kind or another… these are the kinds of things that will immediately give a negative impression of you to your reader. So take the time to refine and polish your CV; otherwise it will end up in the garbage!
Writing a CV without applying yourself or being careful is a very bad idea if you are looking for work. Whether it is the position of your dreams or a joe job, it is always crucial to appear interested and motivated. A botched CV clearly shows that you are not making the effort to get the job. “Of course recruiters look at the professional experience,” explains Elodie Darras, employment counselor, “but they also look at the personality of the candidate. And a botched CV does not inspire confidence.”
To apply for a position is to sell yourself
Tons of information that has nothing to do with the activity of the company will not retain the attention of recruiters, who are looking for specific profiles to fill a vacant position. It is very important to take the time, for each CV, to select the information to be provided and to ensure that it really corresponds to the position you are seeking.
Be careful about mistakes
Presenting yourself at your best means presenting an impeccable document. You must do everything in your power to get rid of spelling mistakes and to use a vocabulary well suited to the work environment you are hoping to enter. “Don’t hesitate to have someone you know review your CV,” adds Olivia Morin. “Ideally, you should have it reviewed by someone who is working in the same field and who could give you good advice about the practices in that milieu.”